Hi, my name is Felix Benning! I am a developer, mathematician and economist living in Germany.

Well, these are the areas where I am either working professionally, or happen to have an actual degree in. But that hasn’t stopped me from writing unsolicited two cents about a wide range of topics I am interested in.

The best summary of my interest might be, that I am fascinated by fixed costs and thus automation. The concept of creating something which will improve peoples lives in perpetuity is just magnificent. I believe that fixed costs

  • are the driving force behind all major economic changes in human history
  • cause the explosion in living standards we are currently witnessing
  • drive the increasing cooperation between continents, full of better and better educated people
  • might be the reason we will never have a world war again
  • mean that AI will likely be friendly
  • and unfortunately wreck an economic system which is based on marginal costs and competition.

For this reason I am interested in

  • economic systems which take full advantage of fixed costs
  • artificial intelligence since it is basically “peak fixed cost”
  • algorithms, software libraries and architecture
  • any other type of automation

If your company is doing any of that - I am intrigued! Send me a message.